ISSUE 001 | AUGUST 2024
Andrea Acosta & Yin Yuan
What would it look like if critical work on Korean popular culture was actually grounded in love for its objects?
Join the editors as they chat about pop culture studies, consumer activism, fan publics, and why MENT is needed at this moment in time.
Andrea Acosta
Yin Yuan
What would it look like if critical work on Korean popular culture was actually grounded in love for its objects?
Join the editors as they chat about pop culture studies, consumer activism, fan publics, and why MENT is needed at this moment in time.

The Sensus Communis of the K-Drama

The “Other” Woman: Rejecting Idealized Femininity in K-Dramas

Taemin as Mudang: K-Pop, Queerness, and the Logic of Shamanism

What Does the K-Wave Mean for Korean American Literature?

Notes from a Native Tourist

Lovelyz Wow!: The Idol as Product

On Hyunjin, Labor, and Memory
![r/hobbydrama [KPOP] DaNSE: the group where a drug scandal wasn’t even the biggest drama in the fandom](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66856df9de6b74750f65ae2e/1724897846250-NMULNOSHOYYXRWQEULHF/M.+Xinyu+Liu+image.png)
r/hobbydrama [KPOP] DaNSE: the group where a drug scandal wasn’t even the biggest drama in the fandom

To ARMY, With Love: An Interview with the Bangtan Remixed Editors

“For Our People”: An Interview with ARMY for Palestine